Foot and ankLe SUPPORT

Ankle-foot orthotics are commonly used in the treatment of disorders that affect muscle function such as stroke, spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, polio, multiple sclerosis and peripheral neuropathy.

The benefits of AFOs include stabilizing the injured part, enabling the patient to stand and ambulate. It can help prevent further injuries by protecting patients from falls.

These products, both custom-made and off the shelf (OTS), encompass the ankle-joint and all or part of the foot to control the motion of the ankle to compensate for its weakness and correct its deformities.

Over 14 million American adults aged 65 and older experience a fall each year. Every 15 seconds, on older adult is seen in an emergency room for a fall-related injury. In 2010, such falls resulted in direct costs to the US healthcare system of over $30 billion dollars. More than 20,000 of those falls resulted in death.

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HELPS doctors, physical therapist, chiropractors, nursing homes, HELP their patients get out of pain with orthopedic bracing.

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